
Peter W. Knell

About this work:
COLLAGE was composed between January and May of 2005. It is cast in two movements, the first a mystical slow movement, and the second a driving finale. The title refers to two sets of piano pieces that I composed in 2000 and 2003 called “Snapshots”. The “Snapshots” are short character pieces that present an idea, but do not significantly develop it. I always intended the “Snapshots” to be a sort of laboratory or sketchbook from which I would draw ideas to be developed into extended works. Although that was my intention with COLLAGE, I ended up only borrowing a few measures from my “Snapshots”, with the rest of the work being newly composed. However, I did retain the title, as well as the overall idea of the juxtaposition and synthesis of various ideas in contrasting styles.
Version: piano quintet
Year composed: 2005
Duration: 00:16:00
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice:Piano Quartet or Quintet
Instrumentation: 1 Piano, 2 Violin, 1 Viola, 1 Cello
Instrumentation notes: pno, vln, vla, vcl

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