Messe Ancienne
Trevor Weston
About this work:
Messe Ancienne is an a cappella mass written with the idea of combining renaissance and contemporary choral techniques. The piece does not have a Gloria or Credo setting, but is does contain the other movements of the traditional ordinary of the Mass. The work puts much emphasis on rhythmic movement and counterpoint. I started writing this piece while living in Pairs, France, hence the title. To date, the complete piece has never been performed. The Kyrie was performed at the American Cathedral of Paris in 1996 and the choir of St. Joseph of Arimathea Church, Berkeley, CA. St, Thomas Church Choir Fifth Avenue performed the Sanctus and Agnus Dei in 2000.
Year composed: 2000
Duration: 00:10:00
Ensemble type: Chorus, with or without Solo Voices:Chorus, Unaccompanied
Instrumentation: 1 S, 1 A, 1 T, 1 B