About this work:
Program note.
SYMPHONY No.1, subtitled "Fallen Angels" and commissioned by Bruce Hangen and the Omaha Symphony Orchestra, is in three movements.
I. Prince of Darkness
II. Waltz!!!
III. Lilith's Lament
The first movement begins in a dark, underground world, the world of the Prince of Darkness. Melodies emerge, growing, evolving gradually ... transforming ... finally, explosively ... into a syncopated "danse macabre. " The movement ends, agitatedly, in a quasi-scherzo fashion, scurrying from the lower depths of the orchestra to a heavenly cadence in C major.
The second movement is a dance for the Prince and Lilith. [In talmudic lore, Lilith was regarded as a devilish being, and as Adam's first wife.] Each segment of this movement begins at first cautiously, and then very quickly reaches an ecstatic outburst of shouts and exclamations. A middle "trio" section offers a contrast of lyric introspection and contemplation.
The third and last movement is rather sad and melancholy. Ironically, it is again in C major. The solo flute coupled with two bassoons is the main feature, with a Gil Evans-like wind choir floating in and out ...
The work is dedicated to Miles, the "original" Prince of Darkness.