
Andrea La Rose

About this work:
Because the flute can jump registers quite easily, one can create the illusion that there is more than one line going on. This technique is the basis for much of the solo flute repertoire, especially the Baroque repertoire. Dance music provided a great amount of compositional fodder for Baroque composers, and I thought it was about time to update the use of this source. Allemandes, courantes, and menuets are not dances I have learned through my own pop-cultural experience, of course, however I am fairly familiar with the techno and hip-hop “repertoires.” "breakbeat" uses a rhythmic pattern typically heard from a drum machine in a drum’n’bass style song.
Year composed: 1999
Duration: 00:03:00
Ensemble type: Solo instrument, non-keyboard:Flute
Instrumentation: 1 Flute
PDF  breakbeat

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