Paul Bunyan and the Whistling River: A Folk Operetta

Douglas Townsend

About this work:
Book and Libretto by Oscar Brand. Commissioned by Eileen O'Connell, director of the WMGM radio show "For Children Only." World premiere broadcast on WMGM in 1951 (Cue 12/8/51) World premiered in Manhattan's Town Hall on December 28, 1951. (NYTimes 12/13/51) The reviewer wrote: "Mr. Townsend's operetta introduces only four songs of which two are arrangements and two original. All of them are blithe in spirit, stanzaic in form and diatonic in harmony. Their purpose, to underline crucial moments in the miniature drama, is well served." (NY Herald Tribune 12/29/51)
Year composed: 1951
Duration: 00:15:00
Ensemble type: Opera/Theater:Opera for Children
Instrumentation: 1 Flute, 1 Clarinet, 1 Bassoon, 1 Horn in F, 2 Violin, 1 Viola, 1 Cello, 1 Tenor, 1 Bass, 1 Narrator
Instrumentation notes: Can substitute any males voices for tenor and bass.
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