Chamber Symphony No. 2 for Nine Winds and Strings

Douglas Townsend

About this work:
Unperformed. An experimental work, the piece is chromatic and moderately difficult. Four uniquely constructed movements without any breaks: the first movement is exposition of a work in sonata form; the second movement is the equivalent of the beginning of the development section of a work in sonata form; the third movement is a scherzo, which is also the equivalent of the development section of a work in sonata form; the fourth movement is the equivalent of a recapitulation of a work in sonata form.
Year composed: 1975
Duration: 00:20:00
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice:Other Combinations, 6-9 players
Instrumentation: 1 Flute, 1 Clarinet, 1 Bassoon, 2 Horn in F, 2 Timpani, 2 Violin, 1 Viola, 1 Cello, 1 Other Percussion Instrument(s)
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