Three Fantasies on Christmas Carols (for orchestra and optional chorus)

Douglas Townsend

About this work:
The carols are: The Coventry Carol, All through the Night, and Wassail Song. They can be played in any order or separately, with or without chorus. The first two were composed in 1991 and 1990, with the Wassail Song being completed in 2008. The three fantasies premiered with the New Haven Symphony Orchestra and the New Haven Chorale, Gerald Steichen conducting, at the Shubert Theater, New Haven, CT, on December 19, 2008. The holiday program was repeated in Fairfield and Shelton (CT) on December 20 and 21, 2008. See article in New Haven Register, December 14, 2008 (Arts Section E1, E4). A college orchestra should be able to perform all three fantasies. "All through the Night" would be appropriate for a youth orchestra or high school orchestra. (The other two fantasies are more difficult.) These fantasies are popular with youth orchestras. The most recent performance was by the Green Mountain Youth Symphony on 12/12/10, at the Barre Opera House, Barre VT, Robert Blais conducting.
Year composed: 2008
Duration: 00:15:00
Ensemble type: Orchestra:Standard Orchestra
Instrumentation: 1 Piccolo, 2 Flute, 2 Oboe, 2 Clarinet, 2 Bassoon, 4 Horn in F, 3 Trumpet, 3 Trombone, 1 Tuba, 2 Timpani, 1 Percussion (General), 1 Strings (General), 1 Harp, 1 S, 1 A, 1 T, 1 B
Instrumentation notes: Flute 2 doubles piccolo. In the first fantasy, "The Coventry Carol, " there are several substantial harp solos. In the second fantasy, "All through the Night," there is at least one harp solo. In the third fantasy, "Wassail Song," there is no harp solo. The first and third fantasies have optional chor (SATB). The second fantasy may optionally use unison chorus or chor (SATB).
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