i blame you (l.b.)

Andrea La Rose

About this work:
I was working on percussive sounds on my flute and was envisioning some sort of one-note crazy timbral intro to a trio of sorts. Months later, I saw a jug at Materials for the Arts and thought, "Hey, I could do something with that! Ooo, how about that percussive thing I sketched way back when..." Traditionally, jug functions as an ersatz-tuba: the player buzzes the bass line with her lips and the jug acts as a resonator. Since I was writing for me and I'm not a brass player (anymore), I chose to use the jug more as an ersatz-beatbox, combining the two edge-tone partials available and a few unvoiced phonemes to create a rhythmic line against two pentatonic melodies.
Year composed: 2006
Duration: 00:05:00
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice:Other Combinations, 2-5 players
Instrumentation notes: jug or bottle and any two melody instruments

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