
Andrea La Rose

About this work:
This was written for my friend's wedding. I had a very limited time in which to write this piece, so I culled together several of my favorite techiques: I wrote the melody on the subway, I wrote out the underlying structure based on a wacky odd number thing I discovered a while back (I used this in "testify" and "putrefaction" and a slew of other things I've written since then...), I came up with a simple image of what the piece would look like (a straight smudge with a little curved smudge above it - like the symbols for long and short accents placed one above the other), and everything derives from the melody until I got sick of doing that.
Year composed: 2006
Duration: 00:04:00
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice:Brass Quintet
Instrumentation: 1 Horn in F, 2 Trumpet, 1 Trombone, 1 Tuba

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