Seven Short Rhapsodies for Oboe and Bassoon

Zae Munn

About this work:
Seven Short Rhapsodies for Oboe and Bassoon is a series of seven very short, expressive musical statements, each about 30 seconds long, and each using closely related pitch material, but with contrasting characters. All but two are duets for oboe and bassoon. The third rhapsody is a solo for oboe, and the fifth rhapsody assigns the same solo material to the bassoon. Seven Short Rhapsodies for Oboe and Bassoon was written in 2003 for Douglas Spaniol, bassoon, and Alicia Cordoba Tait, oboe. They premiered it in the summer of 2004 at the International Double Reed Society Conference in Australia.
Year composed: 2003
Duration: 00:03:03
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice
Instrumentation: 1 Oboe
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