
Zae Munn

About this work:
Faster was produced in the Bowdoin College Electronic Studio where Munn was a director from 1986-89. the piece consists of a series of thirty notes played over and over for six minutes, with each successive note slightly shorter in duration than the preceding one, the effect being that of a long, continuous global accelerando. Mathematician Jay A. Wood, using an infinite series and integral calculus, provided very precise information about the pacing of the notes within this framework. A smaller accelerando, on a repeated note occurs within each note of the global accelerando and is coupled with a continuous note "flurry" which utilizes the same pitch series as the global accelerando. Thus, the composition takes on what mathematicians would call a "self-similar nature."
Version: electronic tape
Year composed: 1989
Duration: 00:06:30
Ensemble type: Electronic Instruments and Sound Sources
Instrumentation: 1 Other Electronic Instument(s)
MP3  Faster

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