A Reflection

Raul Quines

About this work:
* This piece of ‘reflection’ was commissioned by SOUNDCLOCK Contemporary Music Ensemble and premiered at a memorial concert at Merkin Hall on September 11, 2002, exactly one year after the tragic “9/11” event. ** The stage must be empty and pitch dark and the hall with dimmest lighting (secondary) as possible. ***The flutist plays off-stage, preferably on the balcony, center if conceivable with a lighted music stand. This must be the only primary source of light and away from the audience. Yet, it is the one light in the environment that everyone is forced to share. What I hope to accomplish by this is to create a community that will allow itself to reflect on that foreboding day.
Version: for solo alto flute
Year composed: 2002
Duration: 00:02:00
Ensemble type: Solo instrument, non-keyboard:Alto Flute

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