Rainforest Reflections for Orchestra, live electronics, rainforest tape, in 3 movements

Barton McLean

About this work:

Complete performance with tape, orchestra, “soloists.” Originally done in 1993. As such, it exists in an actual score format with parts. It has even been revised, in score and parts after that initial and only performance in Chico, CA with the Chico Symphony under Alfred Loeffler. However, in 1999, I decided to take it out of the realm of a live performance work for orchestra, tape and soloists, and instead make it into a work for virtual orchestra and tape, adding several ideas and motives, and a harp part, to the orchestra, making it more brilliant. Also added a more cohesive tape part. In the original, I had a problem with the last movement, which sounded kind of empty. Also, the whole work seemed to be not in sync with the rainforest theme. So, in the revision, in the last movement, I added a tape part which was recorded by us in the Peruvian Amazon in 1993, and includes the haunting sound of the Orapendula bird and others. This Amazon chorus perks throughout the last movement. And so, it is probably not performable now, since all the added orchestral things were added only in the recording here, not the score.

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Although I, Barton McLean, hold the copyright, I nontheless hereby gladly authorize anyone to make copies and perform the work for noncommercial and/or educational purposes providing that my name is reasonably displayed as the composer.  I do not under any circumstances authorize selecting portions of the work to appear intact in another person's composition, or to appear under any other composer's name, without my written signed authorization.

Version: C & P 2001 Barton McLean
Year composed: 1999
Duration: 00:20:05
Ensemble type: Orchestra:Orchestra with Soloist(s)
Instrumentation: 1 Prerecorded Sound (Tape/CD/Other), ,2 Synthesizer soloist(s)

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