In Memoriam 9/11 (The Lament for Sumer and Urim)

Douglas Townsend

About this work:
This work for two sopranos, narrator and piano is set to a 4000 year old Sumerian text which is in the form of a classical lament. The text recently has been translated from Sumerian into English and is about the destruction and rebuilding of UR, one of the greatest cities in Mesopotamia. The narrator has a large role and would probably be most effective if performed by a male voice. (This work was intended to be premiered on 9/11/11 by the Baltimore Vocal Arts Foundation at St. Joseph's Monastery Church in Baltimore, MD. However, because of a rare earthquake and Hurricane Irene, necessary rehearsals and ultimately the performance of this particular piece had to be cancelled. The work will be performed at a later date and different venue, with different artists TBA.)
Version: Two sopranos, narrator and piano
Year composed: 2011
Duration: 20:00:00
Ensemble type: Voice, Solo or With Chamber or Jazz Ensemble:Two or More Solo Voices with Keyboard
Instrumentation: 1 Piano, ,2 Soprano soloist(s), 1 Narrator
Instrumentation notes: The narrator would probably be most effective with a male voice.
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