Middle Ground

Stan Grill

About this work:

"Middle Ground" - scored for violin, 2 violas, cello - was composed for Elzbieta Sajka and the Pandolfis Consort.  The title is about more than the 2 violas - and that gorgeous middle range they sound in.  It was composed in the midst of an American Presidential campaign, a time when, even more than usual, politicians speak in extremes, and none attempt to find that “middle ground” where people can accomplish remarkable things if they have the desire and will to do so.

The quartet is in 5 movements, so that it also has a center, balanced by the outside movements.  With the thought in mind that the Pandolfis Consort is an early music ensemble, the 2nd and 4th movements are based on Baroque themes, by Corelli and Bach, respectively.  The opening and final movements are dance-like, built around opening viola duets.


Year composed: 2012
Duration: 27:00:80
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice
Instrumentation: 1 Violin, 2 Viola, 1 Cello

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