Sammy's Mother Goose

Juliana Hall

About this work:

20 Pieces for Piano Solo based on Mother Goose Rhymes



1 - Old Mother Goose
2 - Miss Muffet
3 - Jack
4 - Wee Willie Winkie
5 - Goosey, Goosey, Gander
6 - See-Saw
7 - Little Tom Tucker
8 - Humpty Dumpty
9 - Dance to Your Daddie
10 - Jack and Jill
11 - T'other Little Tune
12 - Pussy-Cat and Queen
13 - Little Jack Horner
14 - The Cat and the Fiddle
15 - The Tarts
16 - The Flying Pig
17 - Rain
18 - Hush-A-Bye
19 - To Market
20 - Old King Cole



Juliana Hall Music



scheduled for publication, Spring 2015

Year composed: 2004
Duration: 00:16:00
Ensemble type: Keyboard:Piano
Instrumentation: 1 Piano

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