
Stan Grill

About this work:
Soprano Laura Dixon Strickling reached out regarding her plan, as she neared her 40th birthday, to commission 40 songs from 40 songs, and wanted to know if I would be interested.  Of course!
That same day, I wrote "Idilio" in my usual fashion.  With no particular idea in mind, I let my eyes roam across my book shelves, and they landed on my volume of Lorca's collected poetry.  Flipping through the pages, his poem "Idilio" seemed like a great poem for a song - and several hours later it was done.
Dedicated to Laura.
Year composed: 2019
Duration: 00:02:45
Ensemble type: Voice, Solo or With Chamber or Jazz Ensemble:Solo Voice with Keyboard
Instrumentation: 1 Piano, 1 Soprano
PDF  Idilio

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