MYTHOLOGIES, For Baritone, Ensemble, After Derek Walcott

Harold Blumenfeld

About this work:
MYTHOLOGIES after Derek Walcott unites diverse themes: the Caribbean; Europa and the Bull; and Homer's Odyssey through common mythological threads. Poetry of Nobelist Walcott set for baritone with instrumental ensemble... In turn, the three Walcott poems evoke a Dream coalescing from Caribbean surf; a Transmutation of Europa and the Bull into a starry constellation; and an image of barren aftermath of Trojan War... For Dramatic Baritone, offstage Speaking Voice (announcing titles and, at end, intoning Homer's Greek); with flute, clarinet, 3 celli, 2 percussion... Recorded ALBANY RECORDS: TROY 443. Donnie Ray Albert, baritone, with Dallas Voices of Change... Former Pub: MMB Music, now closed. Inc: Published by COMPOSER: Score $40. ***REVIEW: "'Mythologies' is a set of three poems by Derek Walcott.Blumenfeld writes movingly of what these dream-laden texts suggest to him.Two superb baritones are at work here and the supporting instrumentalists are top flight. Albany wraps it up with fine sound and interesting notes." - Greenfield, American Record Guide... "Mythologies" was composed 1990, result of friendship composer formed with writer Walcott while he was visiting St Louis for readings of his work. Moved by power of language, by originality, boldness of imagery, composer scoured Walcott's oeuvre, found these three mythologically underlain poems, set them as described. SOUND BITES, sample SCORE PAGES on site. On The SETTINGS: I."THE DREAM": A man stands on shore of his Caribbean isle facing eastward. Coalescing from sea foam, he envisions black, white-clad horsemen thundering towards him across sea to bear him back to homeland. This is stirring, troubling substance of opening poem... A persistent hoofbeat alternates between a pairing of drums and three celli. On DREAM's final chord, flute and clarinet introduced, harbingers of ensuing change in tone. Initial Lines of Text: I STOOD ON THE SAND, I SAW BLACK HORSES GALLOPING TOWARDS ME, THEY WERE ALL WHITE LIKE THE WAVES AND TURBANNED TOO LIKE THE BREAKERS, THEIR FLAGS THINNING AWAY INTO SPUME... II. on "EUROPA": Languor-laden opening conveyed by three celli, high in resonant choir, embellished by melifluous woodwind duos. Sound of "sensuously promiscuous" surf foams in with vibraphone, maracas. A tree is envisioned as girl's body, naked, bent in spume....The black hump of a hill transmogrifies into softly snorting bull... Girl clamps thighs tight on beast's back. They ascend, culminating in image of monstrous drum-backed constellational coitus. Gently, vision evaporates, leaving imprint "anagrammed in stars". From Text-- THE FULL MOON IS SO FIERCE THAT I CAN COUNT THE COCONUTS' CROSS-HATCHED SHADE ON BUNGALOWS, THEIR WHITE WALLS RAGING WITH INSOMNIA.. ..THE SURF, INSATIABLY PROMISCUOUS, GROANS THROUGH THE WALLS; IF FEEL MY MIND WHITEN TO MOONLIGHT, ALTERING THAT FORM WHICH DAYLIGHT UNAMBIGUOUSLY DESIGNED, FROM A TREE TO A GIRL'S BODY BENT IN FOAM;.... THEN, TREADING CLOSE, THE BLACK HUMP OF A HILL, ITS NOSTRILS SOFTLY SNORTING, NEARING THE NAKED GIRL SPLASHING HER BREASTS WITH SILVER... III. "ARCHIPELAGOES", closing poem, evokes grey aftermath of Trojan War. Introduced by offstage intoning of opening lines of "Odyssey" in Homer's Greek. Its closing line, "A MAN WITH CLOUDED EYES PICKS UP THE RAIN, AND PLUCKS THE FIRST LINE OF THE 'ODYSSEY'" ends cycle, in anticipation of Walcott's subsequent vast Nobel prize-winning Homeric-Caribbean epic, "Omeros". To baritone and small instrumentarium is added DISTANT VOICE, to invoke titles of poems, and especially - at outset of "Archipelagoes" - to intone opening lines of Homeric Saga in its ancient tongue... Bass-baritone DONNIE RAY ALBERT conveys texts with forceful diction, resonant sound, backed by Jo Boatright's Dallas VOICES OF CHANGE....... SOUND BITES from Albany CD TROY 443, and sample SCORE PAGES posted on this site for each of the three settings.
Year composed: 1990
Duration: 00:16:08
Ensemble type: Voice, Solo or With Chamber or Jazz Ensemble:Voice with Chamber/Jazz Ensemble, 6-9 Players
Instrumentation: 1 Flute, 1 Clarinet, 2 Percussion (General), 3 Cello, ,1 Baritone soloist(s), ,1 Narrator soloist(s)
Instrumentation notes: Baritone with flute, clarinet, 3 celli, 2 percussion. Dramatic baritone called for, and offstage speaking voice announcing titles, and at end, intoning opening lines of "Odyssey".

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