
Alex Shapiro

About this work:
Celebrate! does just that: it rejoices in the significance of music and friendship. I was quite honored to be asked to compose something special for the University Campus Choir in Los Angeles to commemorate the occasion of their twentieth anniversary. I was equally delighted when it was suggested that I write the lyrics as well, and as the piece came together I reflected on the precious camaraderie developed over the passing of time and shared experiences. This devoted amateur choir has taken to heart the lyrics, "appreciate each moment and appreciate each friend," and I was thrilled to be a part of their celebration. This piece is particularly well suited for high school and college level choral groups.
Year composed: 2002
Duration: 00:05:00
Ensemble type: Chorus, with or without Solo Voices:Chorus with Keyboard
Instrumentation: 1 Piano, 1 S, 1 A, 1 T, 1 B, 1 Other choral Part(s)
Instrumentation notes: SATB choir and piano or SSA choir and piano.
MP3  Celebrate!

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