At The Abyss

Alex Shapiro

About this work:
During the time I composed this piece, October 2002, too many sad, threatening and violent events throughout the world offered proof of the terminal fragility of humans and of our planet. Politically. Ecologically. Ethically. I titled this piece "At the Abyss," because as members of a species which remains too savage for its ultimate group survival, we're staring directly into a huge crevasse that is our future. We are poised to plummet to its depths if we do not act accordingly. The three movements are "Observe," "Reflect," and "Act".... sort of my three-step approach to life in general. In this instance, I'm observing the world, stepping back to reflect on it in grief while accepting that there's only so much that will change, and finally, realizing that the least one can do is... act. In one way or another.
Year composed: 2003
Duration: 00:13:00
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice:Unknown
Instrumentation: 1 Percussion (General), 1 Marimba, 1 Vibraphone, 1 Piano
Instrumentation notes: One pianist, two percussionists (marimba and vibes played by the same person). Percussion includes gongs, cymbals, crotales.

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