Call of the Prophets

Thomas Howard Bramel

About this work:
Prophets take a young man deeper into the realization of his own darkness and teach him the Way of Light. At first he is unwilling to reflect upon his internal state, choosing to remain in the dim light of his own rationalizations. But, with each successive Call, he turns to look deeper into his motivations. Each time he looks he discovers a darker region of himself. Finally understanding that his self love and love of the world are emptiness, the young man chooses to turn away from self justification and he is lifted up, out of darkness and into great joy.
Year composed: 2003
Duration: 00:08:00
Ensemble type: Electronic Instruments and Sound Sources:Prerecorded Sound
Instrumentation: ,1 Prerecorded Sound (Tape/CD/Other) soloist(s)

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