North Africa

Michael Robinson

About this work:
North Africa opens with an unusual cicada-like ostinato. The melodic voice, colored with an exotic tuning, moves from clavichord to harpsichord, and ends with harp. - Michael Robinson, December 1999, Lahaina © 1999 Michael Robinson All rights reserved
Year composed: 1994
Duration: 00:12:18
Ensemble type: Electronic Instruments and Sound Sources:Live Electronic Sound Sources
Instrumentation: ,1 Computer/Laptop soloist(s), ,1 Sampler (Keyboard/Other) soloist(s)
Instrumentation notes: A computer and sound module are programmed to perform the fully notated composition in real time. North Arfrica is voiced with samples of the following acoustical timbres using tunings rich with quarter tones: clavichord, harpsichord, harp and percussion. Synthesizer timbres are also used.

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