Mi vida entera

Franz Nicolay

About this work:
Setting of a poem by Borges. Also available for guitar, piano, and soprano. Reprinted without permission and written for Susan Oetgen & Francisco Roldan. Premiered by Anti-Social Music 2/03. If you’re a guy just take it down an octave. Mi vida entera Aquí otra vez, los labios memorables, único y semejante a vosotros. He persistido en la aproximación de la dicha y en la intimidad de la pena. He atravesado el mar. He conocido muchas tierras; he visto una mujer y dos o tres hombres. He querido a una niña altiva y blanca y de una hispánica quietud. He visto un arrabal infinito donde se cumple una insaciada inmortalidad de ponientes. He paladeado numerosas palabras. Creo profundamente que eso es todo y que ni veré ni ejecutaré cosas nuevas. Creo que mis jornadas y mis noches se igualan en pobreza y en riqueza a las de Dios y a las de todos los hombres. My whole life Here once again the memorable lips, unique and like yours. I kept getting close to happiness and have stood in the shadow of suffering. I have crossed the sea. I have known many lands; I have seen one woman and two or three men. I have loved a girl who was fair and proud, with a Spanish quietness. I have seen the city’s edge, an endless sprawl where the sun goes down tirelessly, over and over. I have relished many words. I believe deeply that this is all and that I will neither see nor accomplish new things. I believe that my days and nights in the their poverty and their riches are the equal of God’s and of all men’s. - Jorge Luis Borges, trans. W.S. Merwin
Version: chamber ensemble
Year composed: 2002
Duration: 00:04:11
Ensemble type: Voice, Solo or With Chamber or Jazz Ensemble:Voice with Chamber/Jazz Ensemble, 6-9 Players
Instrumentation: 1 Clarinet, 1 Accordion, 2 Violin, 1 Viola, 1 Cello, 1 Guitar (Classical/Acoustic), 1 Soprano

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