Licht im Dunkel (A Light in the Darkness), op. 73

Leonard Lehrman

About this work:
song cycle on 6 poems by Harry Oschitzki (pseud.: Andy Orieli) for tenor or soprano & piano or orchestra, in German, or English translation by composer: 1) Schifflein (White-Sailed Boat Upon the Water) 2'15" 2) Ne plus ultra (Sonnetina #8) 3'45" 3) Merk dir (Spruch in den Spiegel) (Take Note (Speech in the Mirror)) 2'15" 4) Bittere Klage (Bitter Complaint) 2'45" 5) Vermächtnis und stete Mahnung (Mauthausen) (Legacy and Perpetual Reminder (Mauthausen)) 3'17" (performable by solo or by treble chorus) 6) Ein brauner Wolf (Arturo Ui) (A Brown Wolf (Arturo Ui)) 6'25" [the last poem inspired by a character of Bertolt Brecht's] prem. Urania, W. Berlin 2/10/85; U.S. prem. by Constance Cooper & Loretta Goldberg, Hebrew Union College, 10/85; orchestral premiere of #1 7/28/02 by Jenufa Gleich & Queens Symphony Orchestra, Arthur Fagen, cond.; all recorded with solo voices & piano in German by Jüdische Musiktheaterverein Berlin; #5 (with women's chorus) and #6 (tenor solo) recorded by Gregory Mercer and the Metropolitan Philharmonic Chorus, conducted by the composer at the piano, at Holocaust memorial concert, Temple Judea, Manhasset 4/3/03
Version: voice & piano (#5 treble chorus)
Year composed: 1984
Duration: 00:21:45
Ensemble type: Voice, Solo or With Chamber or Jazz Ensemble:Solo Voice with Keyboard
Instrumentation: 1 Piano, 1 Soprano, 1 Tenor, 7 Unison Voices
Instrumentation notes: #1-6 for soprano or tenor and piano or orchestra; #5 also performable by treble (children's or women's) chorus (in unison) with piano or orchestra

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