Verve Music

Trevor Weston

About this work:
Verve music was commissioned by the Charleston Chamber Players and performed at the 2004 Piccolo Spoleto Festival in Charleston, SC. The most important overall theme of the piece is motion. Each movement expresses motion in different ways. The first movement, intro, is self-reflective in nature, but most of the gestures are stimulated by some sonic event that creates motion. The middle movement, pulses, continuously undulates creating a soothing motion throughout. This movement is also very tuneful to compliment this soothing motion. The last movement, bop, has “verve”. This movement has continuous energy, like be bop music, and the movement is a fitting culmination to all of the energy presented in the work
Year composed: 2004
Duration: 00:14:00
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice:Other Combinations, 2-5 players
Instrumentation: 1 Flute, 1 Oboe, 1 Cello

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