Theodore Jander
About this work:
I. Random Structures:
The first movement consists of eight separate phrases. Each is based on a twelve tone row taken from a matrix built on the tone row of E-G#-F#-A-G-C#-D-Eb-B-C-A#-F. The following is the description of how the first movement will be performed. First, one of the members of the trio roles two dice to determine the order of the numbered phrases. Each phrase must be used twice and only twice. In the event the dice rolls a phrase more than two times, the performer will roll again until each phrase has been utilized as described. If the dice rolls a single phrase twice in a row, the dice will be rolled again so that no phrase immediately repeats itself.
II. Structured Randomness:
This movement was actually written first. The tone row E-G#-F#-A-G-C#-D-Eb-B-C-A#-F was developed with a flowing yet disjunctive motion of leaps and small steps. Not only were the pitches set by the tone row, but the rhythms were as well. Each pitch was associated with a specific duration. So, the music, based on certain rows of the matrix, were structured by way of notes and rhythms being predetermined, thus adding to a sense of structured randomness. The movement begins and ends in a canon between the oboe and violin. In the middle portions, the top two instruments play with each other by way of pointillism. The contrabass plays the original row and a few variations of the prime row in augmented rhythms.
Premiered on Sunday, April 3, 2005.
Year composed: 2004
Duration: 00:08:10
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice:Other Combinations, 2-5 players
Instrumentation: 1 Oboe, 1 Violin, 1 Double bass