INTERPLANES for Two Pianos

Priscilla McLean

About this work:

Two Pianos, in 2 mvts.: A restless, dramatic atmosphere pervades the first movement, as two strong, divergent personalities with their own planes of music compete for dominance. Within the individual parts restlessness is also encountered, as brief motivic ideas are reiterated, gaining and losing pitches, sometimes expanding into ostinato-like melodies. The calm section about one-third of the way into the movement gives only brief respite as the two individuals soon begin again their forceful restiveness. The second movement suggests a different scenario. Instead of two individual competing personalities, the two merge into one broad, complex atmosphere out of which melodies, motives, and arpeggios emerge and fade, moving in space as from one large integrated instrument. Inspired by the stratification and alternation of musical ideas and moods (the unutterably calm chords versus the blatant, violent rhythmic attacks) in Charles Ives’ “The Unanswered Question” (orchestra), this movement is a collage of superimposed contrasts.

This recorded performance:  Robert Hamilton and Christine Larson Douberteen, pianists, recorded in 1975 for Advance Recordings

Year composed: 1971
Duration: 00:13:06
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice:Other Combinations, 2-5 players
Instrumentation: ,2 Piano soloist(s)

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