String Quartet No. 1

Lee Actor

About this work:
String Quartet No. 1 consists of a single movement divided into four main sections. A chorale-like passage recurs several times throughout the piece, connecting several of the larger sections. The shape of an expanding/contracting wedge underlies both the larger macro structural elements, as well as smaller gestural details. The first main section, Introduction, contains very rapid and fractured figures, which become increasingly animated and eventually lead to a short recitative for solo viola, which is followed by the first appearance of the Chorale. The next section, First Episode - Scherzo, is a perpetual motion take-off on the classical scherzo, including a "trio" based on a sort of weird, vaguely Mahler-like waltz. The scherzo material returns in compressed form and leads to a tremolo version of the Chorale. The third main section is entitled Second Episode - Rondo, in which the thematic material becomes increasingly compressed as it proceeds. This leads directly to Epilogue - Fantasia, actually an extended coda, which reminisces and summarizes what has preceded it. Brief cadenzas for cello and then violin presage the restatement of the viola recitative, and the piece ends with a final version of the Chorale. String Quartet No. 1 was written in June/July 1980 while I was a composition student at the Aspen Music School. It was premiered in April 1982 by the San Jose String Quartet.
Year composed: 1980
Duration: 00:13:40
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice:String Quartet
Instrumentation: 2 Violin, 1 Viola, 1 Cello
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