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Andrea La Rose

About this work:
For all I know, the fortune cookie is probably some bland Americanization of an ancient Szechuan meal ritual (or worse, that it has nothing to do with any part of Chinese culture whatsoever), but I’ll continue to pretend that it is a wondrous foreign custom that brings sugar and cryptic messages into my life. I had been saving fortune cookie texts for about six months, hoping to use them for little rounds. When the opportunity came to write for this unusual combination, I panicked, frantically looking for a text to use. I eventually came to my senses and realized that everything I needed to write the piece was on those teeny slips of paper: the text, the organizational material, the rhythms, everything.
Year composed: 2003
Duration: 00:17:00
Ensemble type: Voice, Solo or With Chamber or Jazz Ensemble:Voice with Chamber/Jazz Ensemble, 2-5 Players
Instrumentation: 3 Flute, 1 Bass Clarinet, 1 Soprano
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