Trio for Violin, Trombone and Piano
Don Freund
About this work:
Trio for Violin, Trombone, and Piano examines how these three
very unlike instruments can relate to each other; for example, how
each in its own way handles such instrumental gestures as
repeated notes, trills/tremolos, and glissandos.
The material of the piece is extremely focused: one three-note cell
provides all the pitches, an 8-note rhythmic ?gure progressively
becomes obsessive, and a crescendo gesture which transforms
into a glissando is all that's left at the end of the piece.
Year composed: 1971
Duration: 00:06:45
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice:Other Combinations, 2-5 players
Instrumentation: 1 Trombone, 1 Piano, 1 Violin