Priscilla McLean

About this work:

The recording heard here is a mix of two tubists playing four parts:  Melvyn Poore on Tubas 1 and 2, and Steven Bryant on Tubas 3 and 4.  Two recordings of whale songs:  Songs of the Humpbacked Whale and Deep Voices were used in the recorded CD that plays at equal volume with the tubists.  These songs were slightly altered, but the basic singing is the same.  The recording begins before the score, as ocean sounds were added to the mix and extend the piece about one minute longer.  To follow the score with the recording, listen for the low tuba sounds at the beginning of the score, a little less than a minute into the recording.

The CD with just the recorded whales is the same as the score, and can be obtained through contacting Priscilla McLean.  The Texas Tuba Quartet premiered Beneath the Horizon I on Feb. 8, 1979 at Southern Methodist University's SMU Contemporary Music Festival, Dallas, TX, conducted by Steven Bryant.

Version: Tuba Quartet and Recorded Sound
Year composed: 1977
Duration: 00:12:48
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice:Other Combinations, 2-5 players
Instrumentation: 4 Tuba
Instrumentation notes: Recorded Sounds are whale songs slightly altered

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