Chen Yi

About this work:

Chen Yi

In Memory of Steve

For piano solo

(for Gloria Cheng)


As I often stare at the framed music page on the wall at home, my deep memory brings me back to all vivid scenes with Prof. Stucky, my very dear friend and colleague who left us last year. The music page is Steve’s composition, Birthday Greeting for Chen Yi on her 50th birthday for piano solo, which was framed by Steve and given to me as a surprise gift when he visited Kansas City in 2003. In the calm birthday greeting, the melody starts with the pitches C-B-E-G-D-B that represent the letters in spelling my name. The motivic pitch material has been developed throughout his piece. I quoted Steve's birthday greeting music in the final section of my piece, In Memory of Steve, as my response to his beautiful gift. Steve has made such profound contributions to our music community as an extraordinary composer, an excellent and devoted teacher, an enthusiastic advocate of new music composers, and, an absolutely generous human being. My heartfelt gratitude goes to Gloria for her letting me enjoy listening to the inner voice from Steve forever.                                     --- Chen Yi    

Version: For Solo Piano
Year composed: 2017
Duration: 00:01:40
Ensemble type: Keyboard:Piano
Instrumentation notes: Solo Piano

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