Endless Bummer, Part III

Arthur Jarvinen

About this work:
This is one in a continuing series of works that I think of as "surf ballads", taking their inspiration from the theme for the movie The Endless Summer, recorded by the Sandals. They are meant to evoke the essence of surf music (at least the slower tunes) and, in the manner of ocean waves, are structured in such a way that they could go on repeating forever. Parts I, II & III are recorded on the CD Endless Bummer, by myself and guitarist Miroslav Tadic, released on my own label, Lakefire Records. The MP3 posted on this site is taken from that disc, and features Miroslav on both guitar parts. Part I is for electric bass and guitar, Part II adds to that a treble instrument or voice and three voices a cappella on the coda. Parts III and IV are for two guitars (electric and/or acoustic), with Part V still in progress. I don't know how many more of these I'll write, if any. But the template is there, and still not played out, so whenever I'm in that frame of mind or mood, I may just pick up a guitar and add to the series. In this sense Endless Bummer is like my Sumo pieces, being an open-ended series of related works serving a specific purpose in my personal and creative life.
Year composed: 2005
Duration: 00:04:00
Ensemble type: Chamber or Jazz Ensemble, Without Voice:Guitar Ensembles
Instrumentation: 1 Guitar (Classical/Acoustic), 1 Electric Guitar
Instrumentation notes: The works in this series may be played on any combination of 2 electric, acoustic, or classical guitars. The first two in the series use guitar and bass.

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