Priscilla McLean

About this work:

MESSAGES was premiered on April 16, 1975 by The University Chorale and Contemporary Chamber Ensemble of Indiana University at South Bend, conducted by Michael J. Esselstrom.  The recording heard here is this premiere, and subsequently, MESSAGES was revised, so not all the music seen in the score is heard on the recording.  The soloists are:  Christine Walkowiak, soprano; Paula Rast, alto; Kevin Hanlon, tenor; and David Bray, bass.  Pianist is Jeffrey Urband.  Several texts are used.  The most prominent are selections from Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass".  "The breath of life" text is from Lao Tsu, 6th Century B.C. Chinese philosopher.  Short original texts are by the composer.

Version: Choral with Soloists and Ensemble
Year composed: 1973
Duration: 00:14:30
Ensemble type: Chorus, with or without Solo Voices:Chorus with Chamber Ensemble
Instrumentation notes: Ensemble: piano, percussion, autoharp, wooden recorders

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